MYFLYRIGHT On-Time-Ranking for airports
Below you will find a table with the on-time-ranking performance of 114 airports. Our on-time-ranking is based on the percentage of flight delays plus flight cancellations per airport in the last 30 days.
MYFLYRIGHT On-Time-Ranking for airports and airlines
The On-Time-Ranking is a dynamic ranking and evaluation system developed by MYFLYRIGHT.
In this ranking we are currently monitoring and analyzing 114 airports and 65 airlines. Airport and airlines were selected based on three main criteria:
MYFLYRIGHT is a legal tech company, specialized in the support of airline passengers affected by flight delays, flight cancellations, denied boarding, delayed or lost luggage and the refund of unused airline tickets. MYFLYRIGHT was founded 2016 in Hamburg, Germany. The company operates out of 3 offices, its headquarter in Hamburg and its branches in Prague, Czech Republic and Zaporizhia, Ukraine. Currently, MYFLYRIGHT employs a team of around 25 people working in Marketing, Operations, Legal, Customer Support and IT. The organization operates across 5 markets – Germany, United Kingdom, Romania, Austria, and Switzerland.
MYFLYRIGHT’s goal is to provide access to justice for all aviation passengers who experience irregularities in their flight transportation. Notably, 75% of all compensation requests submitted by passengers get rejected. Whereas, MYFLYRIGHT is able to successfully execute the applicable customer claims in more than 98% of cases at court.